63.9 F
Los Angeles
Sunday, February 16, 2025


SEMESTER (Fall 2019 or Spring 2020)

YEAR-LONG (Fall 2019 and Spring 2020)



“Working for The Occidental defined my college experience, but not because it gave me thrilling opportunities to moonlight as an investigative reporter or a lofty title to plaster across my resume. Being a student journalist on Occidental’s campus taught me what it means to really, truly listen to the people around you — to focus less on yourself and instead try to understand the story behind a person’s work, passions, hardships, successes. By listening to the narratives of other people, I learned how powerful it can be to care about a community and to invest in it in turn. Reporting lets you build your capacity for perseverance, discover what it takes to cultivate meaningful relationships with people, and realize the value in those rare moments of someone lending you their trust and honesty. Most of all, you find ways to engage with a community in a way that — hopefully — helps change it for the better. The classroom is where I learned about the world around me, but the newspaper is where I learned how to live in it.” — Emily Jo Wharry, senior editor, on the impact of The Occidental


1) Fulfill our mission to provide fair, accurate and balanced journalism of the highest quality to members of Occidental College as well as the local community

2) Expand our reporting on issues essential to residents of Eagle Rock and Highland Park

3) Invite journalists and other industry professionals to Occidental to speak on panels, to conduct workshops and to share their expertise with members of our newsroom

4) Send our journalists to the Associated Collegiate Press annual Collegiate Media Conference to attend workshops, network with peers and industry professionals, and discuss the latest developments in the world of journalism

5) Expand our efforts in multimedia storytelling including the expansion of our podcast division

Your statement will be charged by Associated Students of Occidental College ASOC. The Occidental has an individual account with ASOC and will be the only organization with access to these funds. All purchases are tax deductible.
