Tag: documentary
‘Chosen’ documentary brings eyes to the story of David Kim, a...
“Chosen” is a documentary featuring five Korean Americans, with varied backgrounds and beliefs, who ran for U.S. Congress in 2020. Before the 2020 election, only two Korean...
Gabriela Cowperthwaite’s new documentary is ‘a love letter to investigative reporting’
Gabriela Cowperthwaite '93 screened her new documentary “The Grab” at the 2022 Toronto Film Festival (TIFF) this month. “The Grab” follows journalist Nathan Halverson and...
We need to find the facts in the Fyre fiasco
Capitalizing on a hot topic, Netflix and Hulu released two separate documentaries in response to the Fyre Festival disaster. Netflix's "Fyre" and Hulu's "Fyre...