Author: Sam Slesinger
On Tuesday, Nov. 17 ASOC Senate convened for its final meeting of the semester, discussing individual Senator goals, endorsing a proposal for Not Unhappy Hour and reporting progress on the extension of athletic facility hours, among other business.
Around the rectangular table setup in Fowler 111, Senators presented their unfinished goals and spring semester projects. Campus Wide Senator Teddy Zou (senior) shared his thoughts on a venture capital fund for student entrepreneurs who wish to start their own business.
First-year Class Senator Andreas Bloomquist said that he would work on installing more bike-racks on campus and improving lighting on Campus Road.
ASOC President Patrick McCredie said he would make sure the recently passed campus beautification endowment is implemented and see if he can figure out a way ASOC funds can be used to purchase alcohol for student organizations.Senior Class Senator Allison Dempsey mentioned the idea of public service announcements.
“For example, if you’re not doing well in your class, talk to your professor, this is the drop date, etc.,” Dempsey said.
During his turn, Senior Class Senator Alex Graves announced that he would not be returning to ASOC in the spring. He explained that his part-time student status would prevent him from serving on Senate, according to student policy. The other Senators applauded his work this semester, and Graves said that he would continue to work closely with ASOC in an unofficial capacity.
Dempsey presented a draft proposal for Not Unhappy Hour, an annual event that provides “Students (age 21+) and Faculty the opportunity to gather and mingle in a relaxed social setting,” according to the proposal. The event is scheduled to take place on Friday, Jan. 23, in Mosher Patio or Sycamore Glen. Its estimated cost, with co-sponsorship from Phi Kappa Psi, is $1,500.
Senate endorsed Dempsey’s proposal with a 10-0-2 vote. During the Campus Culture Committee updates, Sophomore Class Senator Xochiltl Ramos reported that she was having trouble extending the Dance Studio’s hours of operation.”It doesn’t cost any more money, and there is no reason not to do it, but [Recreation Sports Manager Sae Woon Jo] said no,” she said.
Ramos said that she had already secured permission with Director of Campus Safety Hollis Nieto and Director of Athletics Jaime Hoffman, but she was meeting with Jo on Wednesday to resolve the issue.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
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