Karla Garcia (senior, Psychology)



The Green Bean’s Coffee Toffee is a delicious drink I resist from purchasing almost everyday. I congratulate all the students who have tackled this new project and appreciate all the efforts that made this café possible. However, I do have one issue. Last week’s article, “The Roots of the Green Bean” quoted a statement given by one of the managers saying that the Green Bean’s final objective is to work with Oxy organizations and use the space to showcase art. The Green Bean’s website emphasizes this goal by stating it is “extremely important that the community of Oxy feels like a true community where space, events and programs are accessible.”

While I fully support these objectives, as someone who helped plan an event intending to use the space, I question whether the Green Bean should promote and publicize this goal when they aren’t ready to actually follow through with it. While I understand that the Green Bean is still in its developing stages, it should have had enough time to finalize the logistics and actually let the community use the space. I love the ideas, now let’s implement them.

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