I enjoy talking about religion because it’s a topic I find very interesting, but here are a few reasons why Yennaedo Balloo’s article irritated me:
You analyze the experiences you have had with a “myriad” of atheists on campus and project those feelings on the rest of the atheist population. Numerous times you say things like “most atheists are such because…” or “its no wonder most atheists are…” Quit pretending that you know how most atheists feel just because you’ve talked to a few on campus. You are making unfounded generalizations based on a limited number of personal experiences.
I’m not sure if you meant this jokingly, but you should have kept it to yourself. You said: “It’s no wonder most atheists are cynics who believe true love doesn’t exist. This may just be a good factor in why so many marriages end in divorce…” For now, let’s ignore the idiocy of your first sentence and assume that it is true. Even then, at the most, atheists make up like 3-5% of the U.S. population (depending on what poll you read). If every atheist couple got divorced, it STILL would not sway the divorce rate enough to be considered a “good factor.”
Your article is hypocritical. You critique those who proselytize their beliefs and then you spend the rest of the article talking about why you think it’s a good reason to believe in God. I’m pretty sure no one prompted you to write this article, and that makes you both “preachy” and “obnoxious.” The worst part of your article is that you judge those who don’t hold beliefs similar to yours. According to your last few paragraphs, I am cynical, I don’t believe in true love, my world is both fallible and impermanent, I lack an absolute to believe in, and none of my beliefs are truly concrete. It mystifies me how you can know all of those things about me and yet we have never met. Your judgment of my values and my beliefs are not only incorrect, they are ignorant and offensive. You demonstrate the same impoliteness and poor decorum for which you criticize others.
All you know is that I don’t believe in God.
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