Track and Field Set to Run the Table


Author: Gerry Maravilla

With the semester just underway, Oxy’s Track and Field team is looking forward to a successful season. Encouraged by amazing performances from both men and women’s cross-country season last fall, the track team hopes to carry and build upon that momentum. Although the team finished fourth overall in SCIAC last season, Assistant Head Coach Derek Turbin hopes that the team will rank in the top three in 2008. “I firmly believe that we have a shot at the SCIAC title,” Turbin said. Aside from the SCIAC Championship, several track and field athletes also hope to qualify for nationals in their respective events.

One major change from last season is the “overall improvement of the sprinting team,” Turbin said. Taking what they learned from past competitions and focusing on the future, athletes say have been training intensely. “There’s great depth within the sprinting talent. This year we have a legitimate contender in every sprint event,” Turbin said.

With several returning champions on the roster, Turbin’s confidence is no great surprise. Senior Alex Ramon ranks third in the nation in the steeplechase and is a two-time SCIAC champion. Turbin also believes that the two-time SCIAC 5,000 Champion Kevin Chavez (senior) will take the title for a third time. Besides taking the SCIAC championship in Women’s Pole Vault, Kera Bartlett (junior) also ranked sixth at nationals. Maddie Weissman (sophomore) is looking to qualify for nationals this season after becoming the 800 Meter Champion in the 2007 SCIAC meet.

Women’s team Captain Molly Frolich (junior) echoes her coach’s confidence in the team and is excited about what first-years Nick Danielson and Dallon Stang will bring to the throwing events. “We have a ton of new athletes who are going to be a fantastic addition to the already strong base that we have in our upperclassmen. There are accomplished and strong athletes in every event,” Frolich added.

Despite sustaining minor injuries while training for the 800 and 1500—yard dashes, Clay Hoadley (junior) has high hopes for the team and for himself. His ultimate goals are to “stay healthy, maintain consistency, and not get discouraged by the bumps and bruises along the way,” he said. Despite his own bruises, Hoadley finds it “exciting to watch all of the talent on the team this year” and commends his teammates for their dedication.

The return of distance head coach Robert Bartlett has contributed to the team’s high expectations and positive outlook on the season. “It has been a huge lift for the team to have [Bartlett] back. He is such a great leader to the team,” Turbin said. Chris Norman (sophomore) finds that the team is ecstatic to have Bartlett back. Normal also pointed out that the track and field staff has recently “picked up a phenomenal assistant distance coach, Ian Shapiro, who has been a huge asset to the team.”

While the team has competitions and meets scheduled throughout the year, a few stand out in the team’s mind. The SCIAC Championship Meets on April 25 and 26, as well as the SCIAC Multi-Duals on April 12 will be the team’s best opportunities to put all of their incredible talent to test. With the amount of training and preparation, as well as the large number of accomplished athletes on the squad, team member Keith Blumenfeld (junior) expects “at least a second place finish.”

With such high expectations and variation in the different events, Frolich admits it is difficult to maintain one specific strategy. However, she finds that “one thing we are really focusing on this year is team cohesiveness and supporting everyone in every event group. We have a fantastic group of people on this team­. It’s a family, and everyone is there to support their teammates at all times.”

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