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Los Angeles
Friday, July 26, 2024

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Advertise with The Occidental

Welcome to The Occidental’s website! Since 2019, we have had over 400,000 unique visitors and 11 million hits from over 150 countries. As a dedicated team striving to be the best liberal arts college newspaper in the nation, we care about our campus and support our local community, and we would like to help your brilliant business grow. Take your next big step with us.

To view our advertising standards, click here.

To place an ad, email theoccidentalads@oxy.edu.

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CIRCULATION: Online updates every week.

VIEWS: 10,000 views per week — most visited and fastest growing liberal arts news website on the West Coast. Leaderboard ads can bypass AdBlock.

Homepage Feature Leaderboard
728 * 90 px              $480.00
53% of the traffic comes from the homepage — this is the very first ad to be seen.

Side Tile Ad
300 * 276 px            $380.00
Appears on homepage and article sidebar.



CIRCULATION: Weekly emails sent to 3075 people, which includes all students, staff, and parents/alumni who subscribe.

300 * 276 px              $300.00
Appears at the base of the email newsletter.



Fall 2023 RUN DATES: September 14th, September 28th, October 19th, November 2nd, and November 15th.

Spring 2024 RUN DATES: February 7th, February 21nd, March 6th, March 27th, and April 10th.

CIRCULATION: 1,000 copies per issue distributed around campus, in the Eagle Rock community and mailed to our subscribers.

General Pricing
Business Card             4″ * 2″           $70.00
1/8 Page                       4″ * 5.5″           $90.00
1/4 Page                       6″ * 7″             $145.00
1/2 Page                       10″ * 7.5″        $300.00
Full Page                     10″ * 14″         $620.00

Student Ad Pricing
Business Card: $25 —  4 in x 2 in
⅛ page: $50 — 4 in x 5.5 in
¼ page: $85 — 6 in x 7 in
½ page: $175 — 10 in x 7.5 in 

Obituary Pricing
⅛ page: $40 — 4 in x 5.5 in
¼ page: $55 — 6 in x 7 in
½ page: $75 — 10 in x 7.5 in 

Discounts are available for local businesses or nonprofits. Any purchase of over $400.00 qualifies for a bulk order discount.

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