Predictions for the E3 conference


Both the Game Developers Conference and the Penny Arcade Expo wrapped up weeks ago, leaving gamers with little recent news. During the current break in the gaming sphere, I like to speculate about what is coming next. What better way than to give my predictions and hopes for the Entertainment Expo (E3)—the video game industry’s biggest annual conference—held in Los Angeles this June?

The industry-only convention attracts journalists and industry members from around the world together for a three-day-long chance to see what is coming next. New hardware and games are announced, and gamers tune in to find out what games they will be playing in the months and years to come. Here is what I predict will happen at E3 2015. Let’s roll the DICE, shall we?

Gamers are pining for more information on the new “Star Wars Battlefront.” As the third in the series, “Battlefront” puts you in the boots of your favorite soldiers and heroes from the series while you fight epic battles in a galaxy far, far away. It has been 10 long years since “Battlefront 2” came out for the original Xbox. Since then, fans of what is heralded as the best “Star Wars” game of all time have had little to go on other than a small video at Electronic Arts’ E3 press conference last year, but developer DICE—famous for many of the recent “Battlefield” games—gives gamers plenty to be stoked for. I predict attendees will get time to play a preview of the game and an official release date announcement at E3.

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Gaming studio Bethesda will hold its own press conference at E3. Third party publisher press conferences have become quite normal, but this was a first for the Maryland-based studio. I believe Bethesda’s first appearance will include a “Fallout 4” announcement. Both 2008’s “Fallout 3” and 2011’s “Skyrim” go down as not only two of my favorite role-playing games, but also as two of my favorite all-time games. The development indicates a three- or four-year turnaround for the massive and detailed open world titles, and I think 2015 is the year for “Fallout 4.”

Nintendo is somewhat of a wild card this year. Hands-on time with “Super Smash Bros.” dominated last year’s E3, but Nintendo’s recent partnership with mobile developer DeNA might indicate smart phones in Nintendo’s booth for the first time.


I hope and pray that another “Advance Wars” game is coming our way. Intelligent Systems has finished “Codename Steam,” and there is a new “Fire Emblem” coming out, but next in line should be my favorite turn-based strategy game, “Advance Wars.”


I hope that a new “Metroid” game will be announced. This game would preferably include classic side-scrolling but regardless, I want more space adventures with Samus. The only shred of belief I have is Nintendo’s recent HD re-release of the “Metroid Prime Trilogy” on the Wii U, but I can only dream. While we’re at it, I would love for Take-Two Interactive to announce “Red Dead Redemption 2.”


I don’t ask for much—just sequels to some of my favorite games of all time.



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