Cop cars, helicopter subdue driver of stolen car on Yosemite Boulevard


Thirteen Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) squad cars and a helicopter converged on Yosemite Drive Wednesday night after spotting a stolen vehicle.

According to the LAPD, officers pulled the car over between Avoca Street and Ray Court after running its plates and learning that it was stolen.

Police approached the vehicle, which was parked askew against the curb, with firearms drawn. The woman inside the car obeyed the officers’ commands by exiting the car, putting her hands on her head and laying face-down on the ground.

“The suspect simply gave up,” LAPD Officer Ibarra said. “After the arrest, we searched the car for weapons and narcotics, which we frequently [find] in stolen vehicles.”

Yosemite Drive resident Daniel Terner (senior) exited his house when he heard the noise outside. He said he was alarmed when the officers asked him to go back inside his home and to close his door.

“With all the recent headlines about militant police tactics, I was suspicious of the activity,” Terner said. “With 13 cop cars outside [my] house, I approached the scene. The explanation was underwhelming. But still, it was terrifying to see all these cops outside my house.”

Officers closed off half a block of Yosemite Drive to traffic until 11:41 p.m.



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