The Melting Pot or Not, Learning English is Imperative


Author: Alexander LaRose

Despite its checkered past with respect to its treatment of immigrants, the United States is a nation built upon the ideals of freedom and the American dream. People from all walks of life and all corners of the globe have sought new beginnings in the United States.

In the past, America has been considered a melting pot in which various cultures mixed together and broke down to form a single, unified culture; however, America is now considered a salad bowl that tosses various customs together without the creation of a cohesive new identity.

Whatever the metaphor and whichever the era, the most successful immigrants are those who embrace American culture and make a wholehearted effort to learn the native language, English.

Without knowledge of language, it is impossible to communicate effectively.

From a practical perspective, the choice not to learn English after a long stay in the U.S. is asinine. Attempting to function on a daily basis while at the mercy of translators or another individual’s limited knowledge of one’s native tongue prevents assimilation into a new society.

In the past three to four decades the idea of America as a “melting pot” has given way to the notion of a “salad bowl,” which does not include the creation of a shared vision of society.

To an extent, the difference between the metaphors is semantic, as both involve a combination of cultures, but the increasing popularity of the salad bowl ignores the pragmatism of the melting pot.

Immigrants’ beliefs and traditions are an important part of their identity, yet when people choose to leave their homeland they must make certain sacrifices so that they may prosper in a new land. In order for a society to function in harmony, its members must all have a strong faith in the principles that anchor the American tradition and the ability to converse in the same language.

Americans value technological process, modern medicine, freedom and the opportunity to start with nothing and build a better life.

The stories of immigrants like Sergey Brin, one of the founders of Google, and former Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, who was the grandson of Mexican immigrants, exemplify the American dream. Assumption of these values and acceptance of the melting pot idea, at least in this respect, is non-negotiable if an immigrant wants to have a happy, financially stable life in the United States.

Acquiring the native language of the destination country is an essential aspect of assimilation, as failing to do so results in an inability to gain employment or have meaningful interactions with the majority of society. While language skills are essential, the melting pot concept places so much emphasis upon adopting American ideals that it may sacrifice certain benefits that are associated with immigrants maintaining their culture.

When immigrants learn English, yet retain their native language and pass the native language on to children, American society benefits because it has more diverse and well educated citizens who will contribute to the nation’s growth and prosperity, both domestically and abroad. The complementary aspects of immigrants’ culture undeniably have a place in American society.

Pragmatically, an understanding of English is essential for engaging in daily life, while it is also a part of the larger process of assimilating within American culture.

Asymmetric language skills have placed immigrants at a tremendous disadvantage in the U.S. throughout the past two centuries, yet at this juncture there is no reason for this problem to persist.

Individuals must take responsibility for their futures and make the necessary investments of time and resources to insure that they do not place themselves or their family members at a disadvantage.


Alexander LaRose is a senior economics major. He can be reached at

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