Next time you’re sitting at a clean table in the cooler, ask yourself this: How did the never-ending pile of ketchip packets, bottles, trays, spills, food, salt and pepper, lettuce, tomatoes, dressing, melted ice packs, bread crusts, pizza crusts, half drunken milkshakes, half opened condiments, melted ice cream, french fries, wrappers, lids, used napkins, mayonaise encrusted newspapers, crumbs, cans, utensils, and general disgustingness from the night before get cleaned up?
Unfortunately, the Cooler elves are on strike, so this means the job falls on the student employees who work in the cooler. In addition, the regular employees take on this responsibility on the even messier weekends. Yes, that’s right, your peers and classmates clean up your mess night after night.
Please, when you eat at the cooler, have some respect and clean up after yourself. You don’t have to frickin lick the table clean or anything, just have the decency to throw away your trash and clean up the gross shit.
P.S. We know you (cough cough, your parents) pay 40+ thousand dollars a year for you to go here so you should be able to do whatever the hell you want – but please, get over yourself and recycle your half empty Fresca.
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