Anna DeNeui (sophomore, undeclared)



Dear Editor,

Here’s my question: What’s with the Oxy dance program?

There’s no major, not even a minor, just a few scattered classes and disjointed or invisible clubs.

I happen to belong to one of the least recognized groups on campus, and it’s time our presence be made known. The Folk and Historical Dance Troupe has been dancing for over 30 years, every single Sunday afternoon. We preformed a two Hungarian pieces at Taste of Oxy on Friday, but were introduced (rather un-enthusiastically I might add) as “Professor Knoerr’s Dance Troupe.” Now, even though this distinguished faculty member is an invaluable member of the Troupe, we are not his posse. Members of the Troupe range from current students, alumni, professors (active and retired) as well as community members from a variety of backgrounds.

We dance every Sunday from 2-4, as well as Thursdays from 11:45-1:15. Everyone is welcome to join. If you have no dance experience, but are just curious and interested in something new, you should come check us out.

Additional Excitement for upperclassmen: remember Waltz night?

The Folk and Historical Dance troupe is your ticket to impressiveness in the next ballroom dance you attend.

Seriously, what could be more romantic than a waltz?

Whatever your excuse, if you haven’t seen the Folk and Historical Dance Troupe, you should. Get with the program Oxy. Come dance!

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