I found Riley Hooper’s article on study abroad very interesting. It did a great job of addressing multiple view points. My main reason for writing in is to assert that the IPO does not fulfill their statement in this article. Susan Popko did NOT tell the truth when she stated that all students that have applied to go abroad and have qualified were permitted to go. I know this for a fact because I had the appropriate GPA and other qualifications to be in Rome this spring and here I am in Los Angeles. I fulfilled all of the requirements the IPO set forth for this program and completed my entire application on time (actually early). Trinity (the school that hosts Rome students) accepted me but Oxy did NOT. You may think I’m just a bitter student but I’m merely outraged by the IPO’s ability to outright LIE in print. Please be wary of everything we are told as students since a lot of it isn’t true.
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