What would you do with an extra hour in a day?

Extra Hour Illustration
If Kai Uyeda (first year) had an extra hour in the day, he would practice playing the oboe. "I practice half as much as I should,” Uyeda said. March. 21, 2022. Shelby Perez/The Occidental.


Extra Hour Illustration
If Kai Uyeda (first year) had an extra hour in the day, he would practice playing the oboe.
“I practice half as much as I should,” Uyeda said.
March. 21, 2022. Shelby Perez/The Occidental.
Extra Hour illustration
If Cor Thomas Jacobs* (first year) had an extra hour in the day, he would pick up an old hobby.
He said he has been meaning to paint [a Gundam kit] with Warhammer paints or start reading for himself again.
*Cor Thomas Jacobs is a staff writer for The Occidental.
March. 22, 2022. Shelby Perez/The Occidental
Extra Hour Illustration
If Jack Bartlett (first year) had an extra hour in the day, he said he would call his girlfriend more, play video games and relax. The extra hour would help with his anxiety and give him another hour to unwind.
March. 21, 2022. Shelby Perez/The Occidental

