I appreciate your request for constructive criticism from Oxy students in this semester’s first issue and I would like to take on your petition and tell you what needs to change immediately: the crossword. I am an especially avid crossword doer. In fact, usually the only reason I pick up a Weekly is to do the crossword (no offense to the rest of the paper, many times a good article has distracted me from my mission). I was gone last semester and when I came back I was appalled to see the shape the crossword is in.
Now, I don’t blame anyone at The Weekly for this atrocity. The crossword had a cute theme with nice clues, but was clearly done by a program on the internet. Where is the creativity? Where are the clever clues and the New York Times style? You might say to me, “Oh miss crossword lover, up on your high negative horse, let’s see you try to make a good crossword up. Can you do any better?” Well I’m glad you asked. My answer is yes. I think I can do better. So I’m submitting my crossword puzzle to the Weekly. Feel free to use it. Clearly, I’m no Will Shortz. This is only the second crossword I’ve ever created in my life. It’s technically not even in the right format. But I’m on a mission to spread the love of crosswords around the world and I’d like to start here. If you’ll have me, that is.
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