World News 11.0


Switzerland. An animal rights group officially petitioned to ban cats and dogs from Swiss cuisine. The petition was submitted to the Swiss government in retaliation to the uncommon tradition of eating cats and dogs. Old-age rituals involve serving cats for Christmas dinner or making dog sausages. According to the animal rights group SOS CHATS Noiraigue, three percent of Switzerland’s population still eats cats and dogs. “You can’t report it to the police because there is no law against it,” SOS CHATS Noiraigue President Tomi Tomek said.

New York Times

Brazil. Although Brazilians do not celebrate Thanksgiving, the country participated in its own version of Black Friday last week. Many were hoping Black Friday would result in an economic boost, as the country recently fell into a recession, and media outlets estimated that sales would reach $470 million. But some Brazilians have begun calling the day Black Fraude after complaints surfaced that a large number of vendors raised their prices beforehand to artificially lower them for the notorious shopping day.

Los Angeles Times

United States. A religious group has fundraised $104 as of Friday to build a McDonald’s restaurant inside of an as-yet undetermined church. Lux Dei Design Creative Director Paul Di Lucca founded the McMass project and hopes to raise $1 million to fund construction. His agency focuses on church branding and believes this would help raise falling church attendance. The group is still in search of a church to partner with, but is certain that this plan will “capture modern audiences.”.

Fox News

Australia. Thirteen-year-old surfer Cameron Pearman was bitten by a shark Saturday while surfing at Pyramids Beach in Western Australia. Pearman said he was sitting on his surfboard waiting for a wave when a shark hit his board from behind, knocking him off. Lifeguards helped Pearman out of the water and bandaged his leg wounds before letting him bike home. Only having seen the shark for a split second, Pearman was not sure what had attacked him. His father, Tim Pearman, determined the cuts were probably from a shark and took his son to the hospital. The teenager had a minor surgery during which particles from his wetsuit were removed from his leg. Pearman is said to be recovering well and hopes to get back on his surfboard soon. The beach where the attack took place was initially closed but has now re-opened.

ABC News



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