Many calls were made to the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) about a nude man around the Highland Park area Feb. 8, according to Kim Lundy, assistant director of Campus Safety. Lundy was in contact with local LAPD officials after the nude man was spotted on campus.
Around 2:10 p.m. on Wednesday, a faculty member contacted Campus Safety to report a nude man on campus in the area of Berkus Hall, according to an email sent by Rick Tanksley, the director of Campus Safety.
Lundy said there were numerous sightings of the man throughout the neighborhood.
“He [the nude man] was doing this in the neighborhood throughout the day, calls would come in and then he would disappear,” Lundy said. “We were able to hold onto him on campus and let the LAPD take it from there.”
The professor assumed the nude man was trying to break into cars, according to Lundy. Soon after, the professor called to report that the nude man was running and got as far as Berkus Hall, Lundy said.
Rhea Karandikar (senior), a resident of Berkus Hall, said these issues have been common on campus.
“I’m used to these random things happening on campus,” said Karandikar. “I thought it was a really bizarre thing to do, and someone demonstrating that behavior needs help, and I hope he gets it.”
Karandikar said that despite the incident of the nude man, she feels safe on campus.
“I’ve been lucky enough to not have anyone make me feel unsafe here,” Karandikar said.
Campus Safety has been implementing new safety resources in addition to on-campus officers, according to Lundy. She said students can use the Live Safe app, which allows students to send messages to Campus Safety if they are feeling at risk on or around campus. After Campus Safety arrives, they will casually approach the student and make sure they are alright, according to Lundy.
“We‘re always texting; [Students] can easily use the app and give a description of where they are and who is making them feel uncomfortable,” Lundy said.
Lundy emphasized the importance of calling Campus Safety when feeling unsafe or walking alone on campus at night, especially for women.
“Go with your gut,” Lundy said. “When you see something, say something.”
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